Hi Guys,

 I have recently had our Austerlitz website revamped!

 It is still at the same URL (http://www.austerlitzpbem.com) but has been transferred into a far more easy to maintain format. The old website had become a bit creaky over the years, and it is good to get the site into a more modern format!

 New content will be added shortly, and possibly the forums will be transferred across to the new site.  The forums are still active on the usual link.

 I also now have a working Blog on the site. It's still rough, but will be a bit tidier shortly. You can subscribe to the blog, and will get a notification when I post anything of interest.

 And we now have a Facebook page! Rush on over to 


 and click 'like'!

 I'll be using the Facebook page to post Austerlitz news, so hitting 'like' will put the news on your Facebook wall.

 I also have a personal Facebook page : 


 You're quite welcome to 'friend' me if you like and see pictures of your future GM Sammy Jnr!

 All the best,


Every general faces drawbacks in the battlefield!

And we have here at Austerlitz PBeM.

But now the website is back up and running and operational - so feel free to comment and let us know any problems you find!